ChrisChat Talks Creativity: Bringing it public

There’s nothing scarier than putting yourself on display.

Will you be judged by your talent or by your attempt? Laughed at or cheered on? Or worse…dismissed.

I know my limits. I know which pieces are good and which are rough and those which aren’t good at all. So, why put myself through this for all to see?

It’s for me. By standing up and claiming “I did this” I’m sending a message more to myself than anyone else. It’s not to be noticed and commented on by anyone else…although, encouragement is always welcomed and feels good and is appreciated…it’s my noticing my work and appreciating that I can do what makes me feel good without it being perfect. Without comparing it to anyone else.

Rediscovering something I locked away because it used to be marked, now it’s just me.

Come, join me. If I can do it, anyone can.