Campy: Super Heroes…part 1

I’m grasping at straws trying to find something to write about while finding all my previous topics are getting boring. Isn’t campy supposed to keep us away from being bored?

So, I was scrolling through Tubi’s offerings, like I do most nights, and they listed a very old version of Batman. A black and white televised Batman. It wasn’t campy it was corny.

Wait, so was the Batman I grew up with…Adam West and Burt Ward. Let alone, George Reeves’ Superman. Mr. Reeves was my Superman before Christopher Reeve. I’m sorry, but Christopher Reeve’s Superman was a bit corny for me…not the actor, he brought too much to us with his work and life to ever be corny.

And Mr. Reeves, thank you.

Thank you, Adam West and Burt Ward

Thank you to all who put the tights and capes on and suspended belief so we could have heroes larger than life and less scary than reality’s own heroes.

I’ve got to end this here as reading up on Mr. Reeves has taken me down that road where we hope our heroes knew how much we appreciated them.