General: Faves are those past things we want to revisit

This posting for Indulges & Reflections is a direct link to Thea’s Past Passions. “The Lost Boys” a movie I’ve seen way too many times but, I’ll keep putting it on when it shows up.

“Porky’s” another guilty indulgence. First and second movie, I didn’t care for the third. Straight up toilet humour with some solid payback to bigots.

“Deep Blue Sea,” “Jaws 3D,” “Meg” and “Meg 2,” all corny over-the-top shark movies, but perfect to escape into.

If I want a good cry, “Imitation of Life.” I can’t watch that one very often, it brings the ugly cries…it’s sooo good.

I can watch more Star Trek movies than I can Star Wars. The only mummy movie I can’t watch has some guy named Cruise in it.

Classic horror movies, Price, Lee, Carradine, Lugosi, Chaney, Cushing…no one has out done them. “The Monster Club” being my fave.

“Five Deadly Venoms” my fave martial arts movie. Saturday and Sunday afternoon movies were the best.

I don’t have to tell you why our faves are our faves or what they bring us. They’re simply our faves and give us that little something more than anything new can…until the new becomes a favourite, too.