The Camino Club
By Kevin Craig
Product details, paperback (amazon.ca)
- Item Weight : 318 g
- Paperback : 324 pages
- ISBN-13 : 978-1945053979
- Product dimensions : 13.34 x 1.52 x 20.32 cm
- Publisher : Duet Books (Oct. 6 2020)
- Language: : English
Product details, electronic (amazon.ca)
- File size : 1325 KB
- Print length : 294 pages
- Word Wise : Not Enabled
- Publisher : Duet Books (Oct. 6 2020)
- Page numbers source ISBN : 1945053976
- Text-to-Speech : Enabled
- Language: : English
- Screen Reader : Supported
- X-Ray : Not Enabled
- Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
After getting in trouble with the law, a group of wayward teens are given an ultimatum: serve time in juvenile detention for their crimes or walk the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage across Spain over the summer holidays with a pair of court-appointed counselors. Although they come from diverse backgrounds, the unlikely friends try to make the best of their situation. The pilgrims grow closer on their journey, but they may not make it to their destination—the Cathedral in Santiago. If they do, will they each find what they’re looking for, and will their newfound friendships endure?
My Review:
Fair warning, I am friends with Kevin. No, we’ve never met person to person, but via social media and MuseItUp Publishing we do know each other. No, I’ve never worked with Kevin.
Why this distinction? Simply put, this will be one of my raving reviews and it’s because Kevin has written a story and group of characters that I cannot forget. I have laughed with them; cried with them; yelled at their author (as much as you can yell through twitter, but still in a nice way, at least my intention was to be nice.) Kevin will put you through the emotional ringer with this story.
I know Kevin has done this trip himself, so he knows the area and experiences his characters are facing for their first time. I’ve seen his photos and can place them directly in this book…meaning he has the details painted in words for you. Now this is important in order to set the stage in your mind’s eye; however, it’s in the emotion where the story unfolds.
These teens aren’t your “bad” teens. They’re lost. They’re struggling to find their way, even to be seen. As a mom, my heart hurts. I want to gather them up close and protect them. This is one reason they will not be leaving me after I’ve closed the book and this review is posted.
I’ve been haunted by the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, Kevin’s characters, and his writing. Going back to MuseItUp Publishing, the truth is, I have not read any of Kevin’s other books. I have heard their praise, but I just haven’t made the time. And for that I am sorry.
Maybe The Camino Club arrived when I was ready. Maybe timing just slapped me upside the head, finally. I don’t know, but I am thankful.
I knew kids like these characters, both growing up with them and a few of my own teen’s friends. Sure, breaking the law got them here, but if that’s what was needed for them to grow and be themselves, accept themselves and others, it was a small price. Yeah, it’s easy to say that when it’s a fictional price, but that’s what books are supposed to give us…hope.
I’m probably going off track here, but The Camino Club made me glad I stopped and read it. I’ve walked away from this book having been enveloped. Yeah, I’m going off on the whoo-hoo feeling. There’s not many books that have buried themselves in me like this one.
I have laughed. I have cried, boy have I cried. I’ve hurt and I’ve been lifted up. I’ve gone through this story remembering my teen years, living my current years, and as a mom. The age level on the Amazon site reads 12-99…too true.
Kevin and I are just a couple of years different in age, but we both know the movie connection…The Camino Club….The B…….. Club. Misfits uniting. I loved that movie. It brings fun memories and its message hits home. However, The Camino Club has claimed me.
I know, this review may come across as wishy-washy and overly gushing, that’s my fault for not being able to separate my reaction to these words and writing from a distance – a point of clarity and observation. Heck, when I opened this document I had intended to just set up the information and leave the writing till tomorrow, but…yeah, sometimes words really do just flow out of you.
So, what did my initial notes read like? Clear teen voices. Moves quickly, smoothly. Can feel their awe. Learning from others – see through their eyes. No, we are not alike. It’s okay to need help. Uhm…Chapter Eighteen….yeah, I yelled at Kevin. We’re all dweeps when we’re crushing.
MISSINGNESS!!!!! Saudade. BASTIEN! Kevin, did you meet a Bastien?
Discovery of belief in self and in others.
This book, yes, I bought the paperback after receiving the eBook, goes on my shelf to stay.