Over the next three days you will meet Penny and her middle grade novel “Ghost for Rent.”
Today, we’ll take a tour through Penny’s bio and where she lives on The Net. Come back Thursday for my review on “Ghost for Rent” and let me just tell you it is a top read. Friday, rejoin us as Penny answers questions my questions on ghosties, genre writing, research.
Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz has published more than 75 articles, 50 stories, two e-books, a chapbook, and her stories have been included in two anthologies. She writes for both adults and children. Her fiction has appeared in numerous genre and children’s publications and non-fiction work has appeared in a variety of writing, parenting, and young adult print magazines and on line publications. Her writing blog is available at ttp://pennylockwoodehrenkranz.blogspot.com/
Her middle grade novel Ghost for Rent, in trade paper back is available at http://www.hardshell.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=0759910057 and as an eBook at http://store.fictionwise.com/servlet/mw?t=book&bi=8656&si=42
It’s published by Hard Shell Word Factory, ISBN 0-7599-0340- 9 in trade paperback and ISBN 0-7599-0337- 9 as an ebook.
Sites where the book can be purchased:
Thank you and please stop by Thursday for more on “Ghost for Rent”