A Writer Writes, Right

I’m a writer who truthfully doesn’t do a whole lot of writing. Why?

As an editor, I’m always on my authors to keep writing. So, why haven’t I written more? I did join NaNo this past November. Nope, didn’t even make 5,000 words. However, I did manage to pull together a storyline. One that has been bugging me for too long. It might even work.

In a 24 hour period…yes, I can hear my authors say “spell it out”…I should be able to find five (see I spelled it out) minutes to write something. It’s taken me longer to write this little bit. I’ve deleted four false starts already. No idea what I should write, only knew I had to write something.

Why do I have to write something? Well, uhm, yeah, you see, a writer writes, right?

If only it was that easy.

Look, I know all the conversations of writers’ block, sitting arse down and just write, throw the self-editor into the swamp, the story’s in the re-write. Just do it. Heck, I’ve had those conversations with friends who are stuck in front of a blank _____, fill in your own medium.

I’ve had the conversations about self-doubt, self-sabotage…self-everything. Believe me, I’m one of those who thinks she could write the book on this line of thinking.

So, why then haven’t I done more writing? Simple. Maybe I’m not a writer. Maybe, I’m not “your” definition of a writer.

Hmm, a writer writes. BUT, what does a writer, write?