Father dies before son can come home to kill him. Finds out father was murdered and the discovers the man…
Exhibit A TIME AND LOCATION: 12:30AM, I’m sitting quietly on my side of the bed watching TV with the hubby.I…
easy to carry Shhhh, but when I became an “adult” I thought these genre selections were boring and for those…
so little time spent here Believe it or not but this is a difficult question to answer. Being a reviewer…
🙂 I should really re-name this one as: how to communicate without it sounding like a rant. Or…how to not…
mine Gather not those around me For I ask that you not hear me My words by which I speak…
I can still consider this writing to you, even if it’s on a piece of note paper. My lawyer said…
love my eReaders I never used to enjoy non-fiction. This genre always felt like school work and the last thing…
1…Being sold the same book under a different title and cover.2…Being begged and guilted into leaving a review or comment.…
but I’m a rightie? Your readers are: 1…not mind readers 2…not fools 3…not stupid Sounding a tad harsh, am I? …