Indulges – Reflections: What comes first self-convenience or respect?

There is a difference between putting one’s self first and self-convenience. One implies or should lead us into looking after ourselves first. Taking care of us in order that we can then care for someone else. Where we put our standards, morals, and beliefs ahead of what others demand.

Self-convenience is the lack of respect to others around us. This is when we do what is best and easiest for us regardless of what it does for anyone else. Saving a walk of fifty feet is more important than blocking traffic.

Taking the parking space meant for those with limited mobility is all right when all you’re doing is waiting five minutes or are just running in for a moment.

Talking on your cell phone while visiting with another – hey it’s better to talk now than call them back, right? Emergency? Ah, no, not at all.

It’s when all our self-conveniences come together we’ll find ourselves royally screwed.

The build-up of disrespect and lack of regard will topple over. Why would anyone offer us a hand in our moment of need when all we’ve offered is our selfishness?

Self-convenience is self-indulgence with no self-control or care.

To care about yourself allows you to extend that care to others.