Indulges – Reflections: Boxes February 18, 2017 christinesteevesspeakman I’m not a contortionist, heck I’m lucky if I can touch my toes. Are you one? A contortionist? You know… Share this...Bluesky Threads Facebook0 Pinterest0 Linkedin0 Tumblr0 Messenger Gmail Email Twitter Continue Reading →
Reviewer: Enjoyed, but…no one else did. February 17, 2017 christinesteevesspeakman It’s a right bummer when no one else is thrilled about a book you’re completely over the moon about. You’re… Share this...Bluesky Threads Facebook0 Pinterest0 Linkedin0 Tumblr0 Messenger Gmail Email Twitter Continue Reading →
Reader: Pet Peeve – the red herrings don’t match February 16, 2017 christinesteevesspeakman I love mysteries. I love mysteries mixed in any genre and believe most genres always have some bit of mystery,… Share this...Bluesky Threads Facebook0 Pinterest0 Linkedin0 Tumblr0 Messenger Gmail Email Twitter Continue Reading →
Editor: Titles February 15, 2017 christinesteevesspeakman The theme. The character. The genre. The mood. Any and all of the above. Take a line from the story.… Share this...Bluesky Threads Facebook0 Pinterest0 Linkedin0 Tumblr0 Messenger Gmail Email Twitter Continue Reading →
Poet/Artist: KISS your creativity February 14, 2017 christinesteevesspeakman K…keep I…it S…simple S…silly Example – I’ve bought my daughter sketchbooks, journals, different drawing pencils, drawing mediums. And guess what… Share this...Bluesky Threads Facebook0 Pinterest0 Linkedin0 Tumblr0 Messenger Gmail Email Twitter Continue Reading →
Writer: writing prompt – what… February 13, 2017 christinesteevesspeakman …is the cat staring at? Share this… Bluesky Threads Facebook 0 Pinterest 0 Linkedin 0 Tumblr 0 Messenger Gmail Email… Share this...Bluesky Threads Facebook0 Pinterest0 Linkedin0 Tumblr0 Messenger Gmail Email Twitter Continue Reading →
Creativity – Photography February 12, 2017 christinesteevesspeakman Years ago, I laughed when I heard my high school was offering photography as a credited course. Really, taking pictures… Share this...Bluesky Threads Facebook0 Pinterest0 Linkedin0 Tumblr0 Messenger Gmail Email Twitter Continue Reading →
Indulges – Spotlight: Hypocrite or liar February 11, 2017 christinesteevesspeakman Simple question: Is there a difference? Simple statement? There’s a difference. Share this… Bluesky Threads Facebook 0 Pinterest 0 Linkedin… Share this...Bluesky Threads Facebook0 Pinterest0 Linkedin0 Tumblr0 Messenger Gmail Email Twitter Continue Reading →
Reviewer: Why did your book have to end February 10, 2017 christinesteevesspeakman Yet another reason reviews get delayed…I don’t want to see the book finish. It’s also slowed me from starting the… Share this...Bluesky Threads Facebook0 Pinterest0 Linkedin0 Tumblr0 Messenger Gmail Email Twitter Continue Reading →
Reader: Inspirational Reads – Heart Steps: Prayers and Declarations for a Creative Life, by Julia Cameron February 9, 2017 christinesteevesspeakman You never know where you’ll find something that triggers a positive response inside. Julia Cameron’s webpage Share this… Bluesky Threads… Share this...Bluesky Threads Facebook0 Pinterest0 Linkedin0 Tumblr0 Messenger Gmail Email Twitter Continue Reading →