By J. S. Breukelaar
Product details
Publisher: Crystal Lake Publishing (March 24, 2017)
Publication date: March 24, 2017
File size: 3509 KB
Product details
Publisher: Crystal Lake Publishing (March 21, 2017)
Paperback: 552 pages
ISBN-10: 1684187648
ISBN-13: 978-1684187645
A Supernatural Thriller
The remote lake town of Little Ridge has a memory problem. There is an island out on the lake somewhere, but no one can remember exactly where it is–and what it has to do with the disappearance of the eccentric Frankie Harpur or the seven-year-old son of a local artist, Lee Montour.
When Thettie Harpur brings her family home to find Frankie, she faces opposition from all sides–including from the clan leader himself, the psychotic Doc Murphy.
Lee, her one true ally in grief and love, might not be enough to help take on her worst nightmare. The lake itself.
A tale of that most human of monsters–memory–Aletheia is part ghost story, part love story, a novel about the damage done, and the damage yet to come. About terror itself. Not only for what lies ahead, but also for what we think we have left behind.
My Review:
Melancholy…perfect word I’ve borrowed from another reviewer.
I’m a bit lost. It’s gritty. Emotionally dark. Love story? Abuse? Ghost story, still figuring that out as I’m typing this right now. I’m not actually sure I like the characters, but I know there are some I really do not like. A few surprises.
It’s not that this is badly written, everything flows quite smoothly and nothing jars me out of the story. I’m just not understanding quite what I’m reading. I’m definitely haunted by this book. I have had this book for some time and still it needs more reading for me to fully digest the intricacies.
Thettie is a sad character whom you want to break away from Doc…the character I totally do not like. Her sons? You feel her wishing more for them and, yet, I want to smack them for not standing up for their mom more. Then you see a change and realize they are trying their best.
Frank and the mysterious island…no idea. Even now that I’ve finished the book, there’s something more here than my first read has been able to grasp.
Thettie. Sad character? Lost? Stronger than given credit for being? Bryce? More than what we read on the surface.
I’ve been tugged emotionally, but not how any book normally hits me. I really want others to read this and come back and talk with me because I need help sorting out my feelings. There is nothing pretty about this world of characters and their history and yet, maybe there is.
No, not an easy read or an easy review to write. I’m not going to forget Aletheia, not sure I want to.