Winnable Galleria Collection Journals, 320 Pages, 9.75″x 7″ $24.49 at Staples

Your journal book can be your diary or your ranting or your fears. I’ve considered a diary to be the recording of my day, the good stuff, the activities of the day, which is why I’m terrible at keeping diaries.
My journal is my brain drain, my ranthouse, my emotional outlet, my disposal and my basket. I don’t censor myself here. I don’t watch what I’m saying or trying to be anything but the total flawed and frail human that I am.
Julia Cameron tells us to freehand write 3 pages every morning as a brain drain. Empty out and let that internal critic to have their way. I fluctuate between 1-3 a day because I also use other journals that fill my needs.
These journals from Staples fill my needs perfectly. I order online for free delivery and they pick a random colour and there’s my journal book.
After my morning page(s) I write my Sending to the Universe and then my Affirmations and Mantras. At night I write out my Night-time Gratitudes.
The paper feels smooth, the covers soft and the whole journal is bendable. The fact is has a ribbon bookmark is another perfection for me.