I still remember the quote, back in my teens, from Stephen King – I’ve seen the face of horror and it’s Clive Barker. Now, I think I’m paraphrased that, but that’s my memory. Yes, there are a great number of scares from Clive Barker, but the one book I remember and the one I’m remembering him saying he would never allow to be made into a movie (hope that’s still true) is…
It begins with a carpet that holds a world of rapture and enchantment woven into its threads, the hiding place for the last vestiges of magic left to Humankind. But the carpet is fraying, setting some of its magic free and drawing the attention of the terrible Immacolata and her twin wraith sisters. As a desperate war between good and evil begins, the fraying of the carpet could signal the end not only of the world within the carpet but of the human world as well. Originally published in 1987, Weaveworld is Clive Barker’s second novel, which gathered astounding acclaim and became an instant classic. As an incredible book of visions and horrors, it is a prime example of Barker’s ability to merge the terrifying and the miraculous.