Reviewer: Where and why I post


My own site for a few simple reasons. I have complete control on the presentation of my review. No one else can delete or edit my words.

I control who comments and who doesn’t. No trolls allowed. No mean-spirited ragging on the author, publisher, or me.

I am not required to follow any rules except my own (host rules being different). No signing over my words to someone else – a certain site has flipped-flopped on this to complete chaos.

I do need to update and maintain my Net Galley and Goodreads profiles.

Ask the question – am I not just interested in bringing attention to my own work and online presence? Yes. There’s nothing to deny and it’s why we have an online life. We want to reach people.

As I also wrote that’s not just the only reason. I want to be part of the team to bring attention to authors and their works.

I love supporting those in our industry. I love books in all formats. I love talking about books. This is why I started reviewing.

It’s better for authors to have more than one or two sites showing reviews. Viewers start to go word-blind if and when they keep seeing the same store front ad. We start to see – buy, buy, buy and not hey, here’s something new.

Just as it’s an author’s personal choice how to publish, it’s my choice where I post. Go ahead and share, but the permission is partial with a link back to my original posts and site.

We are in this together.