What better topic given how last night I came up with a crazy idea on how to revive my blogging. Opening self up. My site; my way; for me…I want you to have fun. Have a giggle.
I realized today, as I was thinking, the challenge of writing romance is I have to open myself up, share a side of myself I keep private. I’m not a public display person. Heck, at our wedding I told hubby – one kiss a the table, cause I’m doing doing that in front of all my family, nope, no way. Thankfully he was okay with that and the bridal party was okay with hugs and going and kissing their others. Sure, a few wanted to try and push us into the uncomfort zone, but like my website/my way…our wedding/our way.
And now I write romance…try to write romance…have character voices in my head telling me their stories. They can tell me their stories, but it’s me that has to write them out. And I sound like a looney-bird, but that’s the view of a writer. Sure, an actor has been asked…where did that serial killer come from, you’re so… King was asked where his ideas came from…I believe he replied a skull kept in his desk drawer.
My stories have voices and I need Melody Hews as the main voice to bring them out of my comfort zone. Sure, you haven’t seen them yet, but I think, believe, you will enjoy them. I like them.
The challenge is to do them justice via the writing.