Last week I shared a picture of a book of happy or as I put it – random ideas to…
I don’t know. I tend to write them without any description. Sure, I see them in my mind, but I…
The timing of writing this, National Geographic is broadcasting their Shark Fest and Discovery’s Shark Week is coming up right…
Insomnia is such a bitch, I woke up so groggy I killed the wrong person.
I really want to write enough so that any peek doesn’t give away this prompt, but not enough words.…
Take the last giggle you had with someone. What caused it? Where were you? The conversation is…
Just say your teen’s (or any age or family member) name. The how is your story.
…when phones had 3rd and more party lines…hmmm?
…is the cat staring at?
…have you been!