Insights: Review your business(es) June 7, 2023 christinesteevesspeakman I was wondering if this would be more a LBU post until I realized I’ve just reviewed my businesses and… Continue Reading →
General: Revisiting Meditation (to be continued) June 6, 2023 christinesteevesspeakman what is it Continue Reading →
General: Escape (to be continued) June 5, 2023 christinesteevesspeakman into daydreams, inspiration Continue Reading →
Personal Share: Preston & Child’s Pendergast series May 31, 2023 christinesteevesspeakman It all started with RELIC. It actually started with the movie first, for me, and now I’m hooked on the… Continue Reading →
Affirmations and Mantras May 30, 2023 christinesteevesspeakman The first one I say/write. For tapping energy use my middle finger to unlock I am generous and relaxed Continue Reading →