The unknown…. . . . . . . . . . . . . An invitation address to you, correct…
I can still hear my high school English class groan as the teacher announced Poetry week. I might have been,…
Pick one, any one. Where does it take you? What are you wishing to find behind it? Is it locked…a…
Why? Would they have started school in the year you mentioned? Were the apple blossoms blooming in that season? Does…
Think Scotland
. . . You need to see it to believe it or do you? . . Is it in the…
Her He always writes a personal note in every card he gives me. Such a romantic. Him She calls me…
Or….do your references match your readers’ I need to put a disclaimer here, my co-worker basically had a brain-burp; however,…
Don’t tell Connie or I’ll be in, well, you know what… . . . . . . …I have turned…
. From the first short story that started this journey… . . . . . . . . . .…