MIDNIGHT FIND mini excerpt

Below is the mini-excerpt for MIDNIGHT FIND, hope you get a giggle.

He looked around the room before settling his gaze on me and walked over. That’s when I noticed his cartoon sneakers. Sneakers? Cartoon sneakers! I was going to have dinner with a bald, red-bearded, Grizzly Adams-looking, cartoon-sneakered man. Someone picked from a photo. I hadn’t even read his biography. Just picked up his photo and walked out to Marie. Of all the choreographed choices in my life, this was the most unplanned decision. So, why was I tingling?
“Hi, I’m Patrick. Yup, a descended Irishman with red hair and an Irish name. And double yup, I love cartoons, good food, and being comfortable. I also tend to laugh at myself, your pick. Since I couldn’t grow hair on my head, I grew it everywhere else. At Halloween, I’m Pirate Pat, and at Christmas, they call me the ‘before he ate cookies and milk Santa.’ I’m not loud, just my hair is. Figure no one sees the sneakers under the table, and if you’re under the table you’re probably already seeing pink elephants so why not a talking cartoon dog. I don’t believe in luck, but I do believe in Leprechauns.


8 thoughts on “MIDNIGHT FIND mini excerpt”

  1. HI Chris! Just stopped in for a giggle. And for that I thank you. =) Lions and tigers and…cartoon sneakers? Oh, my!


  2. Hi Chris!
    Congratulations on the beautiful blog.
    Thanks for the excerpt, it definitely gave me a chuckle… Grissly Adams! He had kind eyes, so maybe she chose well, even if she didn't read his bio!

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