The Voice Not Heard

While my stories and characters have always lived with me, I believe I put pen to paper in order to be heard.

This doesn’t mean no one ever listened to me or heard me. It doesn’t mean I lacked attention or had no opinion. I mean pen and paper enabled me to voice outside the persona I was…am. My life role in a manner of speaking. Sometimes those roles don’t fit the voice living deep within us. Sometimes we need to let the voice out.

The voice carries our silliness, our laughter, our questions, and it carries our anger and pain. If I didn’t write where would my voice go? Would it find another outlet…a less healthier outlet? I can’t guarantee I’m being heard, but I know I’ve expressed what I needed. That whatever was, is, within has been given a voice…release.

As my life unfolds its journey and those who cross its path, all become part of my written voice.  The good, bad, ugly, silly, neglected, pain, anger, and joy. All weave their story through my voice.

An author’s world may start with a drop of imagined maybes and whatifs, but it lives by the voice.

4 thoughts on “The Voice Not Heard”

  1. I enjoyed this, Chris. Yes, a writer lives in his voice, and he or she has to let it out. It's beautiful and true to say that all your experiences and all the people you've met become a part of your voice.

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