Too Much or Bad Timing

Life sure has a way of getting in the way.

No it doesn’t. Life is just that…life and everyone has the same hours, the same days, and the same time management issues. The differences are whether you do it well, lousy, have too much, or just bad timing on everything you need to do.

Right now all I can think about is the upcoming editor due dates, reviews needing writing, site updates that are nagging me, laundry, holiday decorations, toy clean out, child’s homework/dance recital/drama showcase/violin concert/school showcases, plus about forty other items. Items that appear to all need my individual attention…NOW.

Do I have too much on my plate or is there simply just bad timing in getting everything done? Only I know the true answer, but it’s not an answer I can easily give anyone. Why? Because everyone has their own timetable and needs, which mesh somehow with mine and we all need OURS done NOW.

I did buy a kitchen timer. Figured if I set it at twenty minutes periods I’ll get more done. Sorta works, but then it’s a matter of finding multi-twenty minutes and those bits that can be started, partially worked on, and closed within twenty minutes.

No, I do not have too much. I have a normal life, which never seems to have enough time.