What a Writer Writes

Personally, I write reviews, random rambling thoughts, poetry, fiction, some non-fiction, and however you would classify blogs. I also journal in a notebook, sorry not into Internet journals only because between the covers of my notebook I will let off steam. Steam that is better not read while I live.

I’m also an editor. I do believe that fits in the writing genre. While it isn’t my own work, it is a vital aspect of the writing life. Without editors most of our writings would be crazed chaos with the best ideas stuck within our minds. Now, I don’t intend this to sound like I’m patting myself on the back. I am comfortable with my editing abilities, but without an editor working on my own fiction, well, uhm, yeah, can’t edit my own to save my life.

To write is to express your ideas. To share your history and to share your imaginary world. Writing allows us to gather information together for our own benefit, and hopefully, for others as well. Some are paid for their writings and others garner credit and readers.

There are many definitions of who a writer is, a few of those definitions sit awkwardly with any writer.

Some call us hobby-writers. I dislike that name. Some figure a hobby-writer is someone who is not paid for their writing. Well, this writer has been paid and the goal is to be paid; however, I have been published without monetary feedback and am dang proud of those writing homes. It garnered me exposure, readers, and experience.

Right here and now, this blog, I’m not being paid to write. But, you’re reading me. You may even be checking out my listed links. Maybe even buying my book…or the book of someone I’ve reviewed.

Each writer knows they have something to say and the ‘word’ is their method of expression. We need to write as much as a chef needs to cook, a baker to bake, an artist to draw/paint/sculpt/you name the medium.

No matter what you write, if you have the internal desire to share it…you are a writer.