You want to write? Let me introduce you to your new pals: Frustration and Patience

First off the new definitions of “frustration” are frustrating. The immediate definitions I read online all contain the words “frustrate” and/or “frustrated.” When did dictionaries start using the word their defining in the word’s definition?

This is the same as any style manual you may pick. One year it’s proper to use commas this way, the next it’s wrong. Put an apostrophe in this usage…nope, sorry no longer acceptable. One space, two spaces, no spaces…yup, I just sounded like a favourite childhood author.

We also have characters who won’t do what we want them to do. Scenes that go off in directions that require more explanation and mess up the entire story already written. And the brilliant dialogue scene you slaved three weeks over, seven hours a day…the readers hate it.

Except for one who loved it because they suggested it was needed. And maybe the neighbour you meet at the bus stop every other month because the new un-needed character shares their name.

Now, after wading through the confusion of your beta readers’ opinions and inputs, you’ve emailed/mailed your precious written baby to the eagerly awaiting editors who are dying to read your masterpiece.

Meet your new friend, patience.

Oh joy, first definition found says this means the act of being patient.

Glad we cleared that up.

And you wait. Wait. Wait. And, yes, wait some more. And, you got it…wait.

Now you start to worry. Maybe it wasn’t received. Maybe they actually didn’t like it. Naw, the Internet (mail) is just slow today.

And this is all within the first two hours of sending your creative genius.


An email message from the publisher.

WHAT?! What do they mean they’ll only read _____ font at _____ size? And only in _____ format?

Oh for crying out loud!

You send again. And…yup…wait.

Let’s fast forward a couple of weeks…DING!  New email.

Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah NO!!!!!!!!!!! Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Those blasted ogre-editors have no clue. They have no idea what they’re talking about. They want to butcher my “baby.”

(Ahhh, your friend Frustration has stopped by again)

Patience: No, that’s not what the editors are saying…
Frustration: Oh shut the _____ up. They’re idiots.
Patience: It’s all constructive and….
Frustration: I said SHUT THE _____ UP. Can’t you see I’m having an artistic meltdown.
Patience: I’ll come back when ….

You still want to write?


Welcome to the club.