There is a difference between these two internal beings.
One is the strength of self. The part which drives us to reach our dreams and aspirations. The conviction of our worth and abilities. It’s why we can pick ourselves up after each failure, each pounding, each nay-sayer…we KNOW we can. We are determination.
Ego? This is the little ass who lives inside us all and thinks we’re better than the next. That all others are full of crap. Ego believes in its own self-importance, self-righteousness over everyone else. Ego will never ever admit it’s wrong. Ego will never ever allow itself to admit the person it is screaming at is right.
Personal Belief is gracious.
Ego thrives in conflict.
Personal Belief is calm.
Ego is self-chaos.
Personal Belief offers and gives.
Ego demands and takes.
Personal Belief never finds shame in apologies. Ego partners with sarcasm and bathes in belittlement.
Personal Belief knows itself.
Ego recognizes no mirror.
One moves forever in joy. The other crashes round for its next hit.
Which being are you?