Roaming Ideas: Words

original works by Christine I Steeves Speakman

leaves shimmering in the sunlight like ripples in a pond – translucent

butterfly drifting like a tissue

clear cloudless day – clear, see for miles but seemingly a dome covering sky

breeze – warm but crisp – alive

moon – blue sky all the way there

sun – daylight starlight

grass – dew – dawn’s, morning’s magic pond – meadow

shadows of clouds airbrush against a canvas of blue, blue-white sky world

writer coming out of trance

city haze

writing lifeline tree tunnels

weeping willow – sagging with age

man – out on limb – like  leaf bouncing on branch in soft breeze – electric swaying unsteady

old man shuffle

city – human body

cars on road – blood in veins

overcast clouds- swirls, blue grey even though of silver

streaks of shadows – depths thickness – cloud upon cloud


brush strokes

horizon in the sky cloud meets lighted sky – border of sea of clouds

breeze – cool to cold – vibrant

skyline – etched against the backdrop

grass scented air


What are Roaming Ideas?

…random writings from now back to teen years

…writings free of editing and second looks

…pumps to my creative well

…shut downs and locking away of the critical mind

 What are Overly Done Paragraphs?

…more description then is ever needed

…snapshots of possibilites

What are Dear Diary?

…inserting myself into a fictional character, where does the path take me