Writer: Plot or Pants: Have either worked for me?

With this being the start of Nanowrimo I’m faced with the blank screen once more.

Given my initial understanding of Nano, I believed the story started on November 1st without anything beforehand. It didn’t dawn on me that if you’re a plotter, you would naturally have started the story plan before writing. Actually, from what I’m learning, there’s a pre-Nano plan for success. Not that I thought to look at it this year.

What does this mean for a pantser like me? Someone who writes as it comes to her? Well, in the four years I have not “won” Nano. I have a variety of starts in many lengths – some rushed, very rushed. Maybe I need a rethink?

I might take a stroll down the plotter road. I have a couple – sorry make that three – story ideas rattling around in my mind. Or, by the time you’re reading this, I’ve started their plans.

I must admit this process of plotting, even the little I’m thinking about is refreshing. I feel guided and a bit more satisfied with what’s to come. Maybe I’m a plotter by heart.

Each of these ideas started as a writing by the seat of my pants – pantser? And now I’m working out the story plan, idea of what I think the story will be, notes to go with the fast thinking of my imagination – plotter?

Whatever gets the story written, right?