Indulges – Reflections – Eat because OR enjoy everything you eat

Last week I made myself a sandwich that was so good I actually swooned over it. I felt myself melt into it. The full-on eyes rolling back, moaning out loud.

It was a simple sandwich and yes it’s what prompted me to write this posting.

Do you eat because you must? Or, do you enjoy every bite?

I’m not talking about being thankful that you have food to eat. I mean the pleasure in eating – a PB&J sandwich or an inch thick steak.

When was the last time you sat back and simply fell in bliss with your meal? Had a moment of peace and fulfillment.

This goes beyond comfort food. I’m referring to the experience which kicks off our pleasure zone.

A variety of people talk about making time to enjoy life. Taking care of ourselves. Finding and capturing each moment.

Never forget that that moment can be found in a simple sandwich.