John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892) …Of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: “It might have been!”
You are unique and what you do with your life and creative nature is yours and yours alone. Even should…
George Peppard – isn’t that enough?
Publisher: Crystal Lake Publishing This title is ready to purchase from 10th march 2017 and will be published in…
Really, there’s no way I can type out the full blurbs or describe the full series and details, but let…
Author’s website at MuseItUp Publishing Book 1: Life With A Fire-breathing Girlfriend Back Cover A lot of guys…
Wasting time. Does it make you happy? Does it relax you? Are you left feeling content and ready to face…
Or how to avoid becoming bored. Bored? Writing has a flow and there are times you’ll hit a slow area…
Still learning the scales. Still looking at my fingers. Still figuring out the proper hand form and key pressure. Holding…