Daydreaming February 28, 2021 christinesteevesspeakman How many times have adults told kids, teens, to stop daydreaming? Get your head out of the clouds. I’m telling… Share this...Bluesky Threads Facebook0 Pinterest0 Linkedin0 Tumblr0 Messenger Gmail Email Twitter Continue Reading →
Everyone’s a critic christinesteevesspeakman But isn’t that what a reviewer is supposed to be? Am I your critic or simply someone who shares an… Share this...Bluesky Threads Facebook0 Pinterest0 Linkedin0 Tumblr0 Messenger Gmail Email Twitter Continue Reading →
You’re not being selfish when… christinesteevesspeakman …you take time alone …you don’t answer the phone, text, message, email, anything …eat the larger cookie …drink the last… Share this...Bluesky Threads Facebook0 Pinterest0 Linkedin0 Tumblr0 Messenger Gmail Email Twitter Continue Reading →