Bring back structure

I used to be very well organized, blog topics that is. That went to the handbasket a few years and a few websites ago. Technically, I’m still writing a blog a day, but they’re spread over 5 sites now, not…I’m not sure any more.

Then I used to visit with Connie and Boris, do a general topic, have a character takeover, and then talk specifically about the erotic genre. Somewhere I started sharing pet peeves.

All so neatly structured and orderly.

Now I’m all over the place like clothes thrown in a rush.

One of the other blogs offered a writing prompt – hmm, that could be interesting. Photo prompt? That could be dangerous.

When I helped MuseItUp Publishing with their Hot blog, we had a She Wants/He Wants, could be interesting here…Connie says /Boris says. I wonder how Mistress Musella’s doing. Maybe Mistress Patrice…oh that would be covered under character takeover, wouldn’t it?

Spontaneity is fun, but there truly is something to be said about structure and consistency.

Since I’m setting this up for later in the month, maybe we’ll start in July with some pre-planning-guidance?

Blogging is like everything in life – keep it real, keep it fresh, keep it going or you risk losing it to boredom and staleness.
