General: Blog Mechanics

Alrightie, let’s see if I can get this to make any sense. I can at least try…trying can always be fun.

I am thoroughly backlogged on my blogs, you can tell by my lack of posting them is some time. That doesn’t mean I don’t have ideas or anything to say and share. I simply can’t stand the mechanics of blog set up.

And, yes, that’s my fault.

I fall behind in writing, then in posting, to finally all I have are a bunch of notes and titles set for different days, all in my calendar, but nothing showing on/in the blog.

I tried writing in longhand and then scanning/re-typing, but then it’s about cutting and pasting and the set and well, it just drags on to the point I just want it over with.

Now, if I was to truly let Theadora out, I could run away with that last word set up, but I’ll behave.

A little.

Like everything else, a little prep beforehand can increase the fun, which is why you’ll be seeing quite a few “To Be Continued” in blog post headlines. Some might even give you a hint as to what I was thinking.

Anyhoo, most of all this is strictly for my enjoyment, I don’t mind…in this instance only…if you take a peek.

Hmmm, Thea might have slipped out a bit more than I intended 😉