General: Chances – first, second, or fiftieth

Before I start, don’t ask me how long it took to find the correct spelling of fiftieth, talk about a blank mind at the wrong time. Now to the actual posting…

Redo..second chance…another chance. At anything or specifically love?

A second chance at love…the same individual? Someone new? Someone from the past?

Here’s the thing, isn’t every new encounter a first chance? How do we give someone or something a second chance if it is the first time?

We’re giving ourselves a second chance. A second chance to find love…either for the first time or second or fiftieth.

With our partner(s) there are chances every moment, every morning, after every argument. But, are they chances or the continuation of a healthy relationship…healthy in that we’re not sunshine and butterflies all the time. That would be exhausting. And you can’t get sunshine and rainbows without a bit of rain and even a thunderstorm.

Personally, our second-fiftieth chances happen all the time, too. And they’re not left to a 24 hour period of the new day.

All this means is we are constantly offered chances, if we keep our eyes open and grab them when needed.