General: Do I want to finish what I’m writing?

I’m going to keep this draft and come back to it, writing a bit too much back to back and don’t want to repeat myself, plus I think this question is something I need to give more attention to.

And I’m going to keep this opening as it is.

Okay, so looking back last week this started with the whole fresh start thing, something a lot of people talk about when a new year starts…sometimes I new month, week, birthday.

I’ve asked myself this question a few times, do I really want to keep writing/re-writing this story idea or should I just toss it and be done with it. Problem is I don’t. I keep it under some strange thought that I can’t give up something I’ve started, that I won’t quit, admit defeat.

Is this…being stubborn…the root of any writer’s block I feel? Is this why I can’t finish anything. I do have waaaaaay too many ideas scattered round my notes, some are really good (if I do say so myself). And as soon as I state this and decide, why, yes, I can shove this away, the next thought…

…who am I even writing for? What do I plan to do next with it?…

…crops up and I’m stuck again. And having to prove the nah-sayers wrong.

That’s the next…maybe it’s the main…question…does it matter if I ever send these out into the world? Hey, I don’t even know if anyone is reading this website. No one is if my Site Statistics is running correctly, so does it matter.

Who said the audience of one can’t be yourself?

I know way too many say you can’t call yourself a writer if you’re not paid for your writing, not making a living from it. Given my understanding of some past authors, can they even be considered writers since they didn’t make any money until they were dead and gone?

The only thing I’ve proven is writers are too much in their heads listening to voices and words than they ever should be. And, writers are the walking proof everyone has an opinion…or more than one. We really can argue two sides to any conversations, heck we can even argue more sides and have double or triple conversations between groups of people..what was I talking about?

Right, do I even want to keep writing some of these stories of mine. Considering the last paragraph was written as I thought of five, six, hmmm, eight characters from those stories, one or two of the maybe-I-should-toss stories, I’ve answered my question…for now.

Who am I kidding? I never toss any writings away.