General: I should have made notes

On January 1st I wrote the blog about Another fresh start and mentioned more was running through my head and hoping I would remember as those thoughts were a stronger fit for Life Becomes Understanding.

Yup, I forgot. So, I’m leaving this draft start and will figure out what I was thinking…hopefully.

I should have made notes on the changes I thought of this morning. Thoughts based on (1) my personal change in directions to my writing and why I have a site (2) does it matter who reads me as long as I do (3) social media owners…meta…are flip-flopping more and more and proving it really is all about money, and do I want to be a part of that.

But do I want to leave based on those I disagree with simply because they’re louder than I am. Yes, there are bullies, in every aspect of life. There are nasty people who don’t play fair, act fair, can be talk with, and who generally don’t want to leave people alone to live their own different lives.

Yes, there are people who for their health do need to walk away. Yes, sometimes to prove a point you have to walk away.

Walking away isn’t always a bad thing.

Walking away isn’t always because someone else has won.

Walking away is sometimes you simply standing up for what you need and want in your life.

Walking away from twitter/X wasn’t due to anyone but the owner’s decision on how he was going to use my material. It’s now his playground and I’m choosing not to play there.

Meta? I don’t know, yet. Your owner has shown that money matters more. Your owner is leaving fairness and protection up to the loudest voices…yeah, the loudest voice isn’t always the right one.

Here on this site, it’s my voice, my playground, and maybe it is a one-way mirror, but isn’t that true for all our lives?

We only see what we reflect back…if we dare to look.