General: Now I’m getting it

I’m still learning and figuring it all out and I’m still just as stuck in the habit rut and blindly have to keep my order of how I do things, but I might just be getting it…I’m okay. I’m allowed. I actually don’t answer to anyone but the me I want to be.

And I’m rambling along the old path again. The old path is comfortable and well-treaded over the last 61 1/2 years…even if a tad stale for my liking and I love stale crackling bread piled with butter. You can taste that crunch, can’t you.

So, today was…today being Thursday, February 20th 2025, but my send of order needs me to post this under Life Becomes Understanding which is on Tuesdays…I’m a Virgo, heavy on the tendency of overly organized with everything needing to be in its place in if some thing I’m surrounded in chaos…back to the thought….I was filling in the blank blog posts and the whole silliness others might find should they stumble on these turned on a lightbulb of thought which I have since lost because frankly why does it matter what some unknown thinks?

Which is basically why I’m getting it…finally. It doesn’t matter if anyone reads my site…finally. I’m not keeping my site and adding, changing, writing it for anyone…anymore…finally.

To quote myself: “This is my little corner of the vast internet world. It’s my space, my face to the world…” This little bundle of whatever makes a website exist is a glimpse of me. I won’t share my journals online, but I will…will what? Speak out into the wind and if someone hears me…great. If they agree/disagree, like/dislike, stay/walk on by…finally, I’m getting it. This isn’t and as never been about or for anyone but me.

While I do share a lot here, the only bits I really need to share and actively want to share, bring your attention to, are the books I read. The books others have sent out and are waiting to see if anyone will find them. Everything else…all in good time.

For now, I’m going to continue being me.