Journals and creativity

Do you write in a journal? Why?

This blog came to mind as I was writing in my journal and mentally wondering as to what my daughter may think, in the future, and if she would be able to read my writing. Or, would I some day look back on these writings for a memoir. Hey, everyone should dream big.

I do know some of my creative ideas have come when I’m journaling. Is my journal writing emptying out the collective normal stress and non-stress items so the creative muse has more room? Am I so concentrating on the everyday items that my subconscious is able to come forward and tap my consciousness?

Many books talk about revisiting and refilling your creative well, maybe we also need to empty ourselves, too. Empty our minds of the mundane irritants, even of the great memories and special times, so we can refill.

Why do I journal?

1) My obsessive need to write. Sometimes I just have to take pen to paper and write. Sometimes I have no clue what to write so my internal thoughts just flow forward.
2) I need to get my feelings out. Whether I’m in a positive mood or feeling hurt or am just a witch, I have to unleash somewhere. Somewhere safe, where no one will try to explain or misunderstand what I’m saying. Somewhere where no one will interrupt me and offer their two bits.
3) Journal writing helps me figure out myself. I can ramble away and find my own conclusions, my own way back to acceptance and calm.
4) I can rant and rave and let out all my anger at anyone or anything without consequences. No one will read my journals while I’m alive and if they do, well, when you invade someone’s personal space, private space, one should always be prepared to learn something they may not like.
5) Journal writing means no one will overhear me talking to myself.

This very blog came from journal writing. I know some organizing ideas have come when I’m journaling; even to do lists have been born this way…sorry hubby.

Creative memories have inched forward while my mind has been busy…rug hooking, for one.

I fill my creative well with music, reading, photography, people watching, garden walking, and quiet moments. I empty it…clean it, by journaling.
