Creative Season

There are seasons of growth: spring, summer, fall, winter. The seasons of life: babe, child, adult, elder. There are even seasons for school: fall start, winter break, spring break, summer.

Are there seasons for creativity?

Do you have a time where you burst with creative energy? A time you reflect upon your work and goals? Is there ever a time you just walk away?

Spring is just around the corner and I’m feeling the end-of-winter-itch. The feeling of rebirth, renew, start-over and freshness. A wakening.

Is this the spring of my creativity? Or am I imagining it all?

5 thoughts on “Creative Season”

  1. Chris,

    Go for whatever your spirit or muse says to do. There is a cycle to life–creative life–and there is a fallow time, and a time to reap and plant and a time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. It isn't a one cyle phenonmenon, so enjoy. And go with your muse and talent.

    All the best,

    Pat Harrington
    Mystery Author and
    Grant Writer (and believe me, the latter takes some musing . . . and sweating).

  2. I've noticed that in the spring I'm a little more creative too. Not to mention more energetic! I don't know if it's the season that spurs my creativity but I won't knock it!

  3. Hi Chris:

    I do find I have times when I'm more productive that others. Not necessarily any regularity to them.

    Usually I expect to write more in the winter, when it's too miserable outside to do much else, and in the summer, when it's too hot to want to spend much time out in it.

    Whenever it hits, make sure to grab it — creativity is a gift.

    Chris Hoare

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