New Year, New Beginnings

Every New Year’s Eve many of us make resolutions—promises—to ourselves. Whether we mean to lose weight, stop smoking, write the great novel, be kinder, be…whatever, we are determined this will start with the changing of the year.


Why this particular date? Are you setting yourself up for failure? I know I am when I make these year-end declarations. So, I don’t.

Each day is a new beginning.

Set your goals and dream your dreams, but don’t become a slave to them. Don’t become locked into must do, have to do; I’m a failure because I didn’t.

Creativity does need planning, organization, you to show up. Never let your creativity become a duty—a job.

Keep your creativity flowing by easing off on yourself.

Enjoy this New Year start by opening up and letting go. Allow yourself to be amazed at what you will accomplish.

See you in 2010