
I have a little book titled A THOUSAND PATHS TO CREATIVITY by David Baird. He has quite a few of these little books with the Tao symbol on them. Another, that I have, is A THOUSAND PATHS TO TRANQUILLITY.

I like these little books because they offer quick thoughts when I need a boost. Some are quotes from others; some, I believe, are from Mr. Baird. But, still in that brief moment of wandering sometimes a quote is all it takes…just like a picture or a piece of music.

Today I was a little lost so I dusted off the book and opened it:

Creativity is rarely swift, nor does it often come easy.” (A THOUSAND PATHS TO CREATIVITY by David Baird)

That, in the nutshell, is me today…so why has a lightbulb just gone off in my mind?

Where have your wanderings taken you?

2 thoughts on “Wanderings”

  1. I'm currently readin Complete Idiots Guide to Einstein. I love his personality and his breakthrough thinking and ideas. He's a source of great inspiration to me.

    Stephen Tremp

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