Indulges – Respect – what is it?

I don’t think I know what respect is anymore.

At least, the respect I was taught and have tried to live. I beginning to believe that isn’t in existence anymore.

Like most writers, I’m sitting here in a slight daze trying to find the words to properly express my thoughts. It looks like I’m staring off into space doing nothing while my mind is scrambling in chaos. Words on a page…a screen…need far more work than vocal words. We, the printed word, do not have the addition of expression or tone, just  words flat on the screen/page.

It would be so very easy to tell you the exacting experiences which have brought me to this point, but then that wouldn’t be respectful or fair to the people behind those experiences. Instead I wind the experiences into a collection of thoughts and present those.

Does this mean if you think I’m talking about you, I am? I don’t know.

I do know my high school English teachers wouldn’t grade me very high on this posting as it will not have a complete middle and conclusion. I have no middle or conclusion, just a beginning.

Life may not be fair, but I always thought respect was…at least was supposed to be whether you agreed or liked the other or not.

I believe everyone deserves respect upon meeting. From there you continue to earn that respect. Your age doesn’t matter. Who you are…family, friend, professional, whatever…doesn’t matter.

I can and do respect a position…professional, political, religion…but I may not respect the individual.

My respect is a privilege not a guarantee.

More and more I’m reading words that lack respect. Lack care of how they could…are…read by the receiving party.

More and more I’m seeing one side pointing fingers at another while refusing to look in their own


More and more I’m witnessing actions that show no respect to others. Actions based solely on me-me-me.

More and more these are adults flaunting their lack of respect. Is it any wonder children are being called disrespectful…monkey see; monkey do is a phrase coming to mind.

Do as I say; not as I do…what a way to teach hypocrisy.

Yeah, it’s an easy whirlpool to get sucked into. And too many of us don’t see we’re the ones being sucked down only to drown in our shame when we look at ourselves in the mirror we hold up to the world.

I just don’t know.