The Lost Lake Dig
By P.W. Cross
Publisher: Appalachian House (March 1 2009)
Paperback: 288 pages
Author website: TheIdeaMiners.com
About the Author
The Idea Miners: The Lost Lake Dig is the first book in The Idea Miners trilogy. My goal in writing the book was first and foremost to create an exciting fantasy adventure. But I wanted to do more. I wanted the story to have a subtle underlying educational element, and I believe I’ve succeeded. There is an educational current winding its way through the book–as I envisioned–but what’s out front, in the reader’s face if you will, is a nail-biting fantasy adventure with a stunning ending. My hope is that the reader not only comes away from the book with a racing heart, but also a keen awareness of the unique gift and power of the human intellect.
A sad boy. Without a single friend. His future bleak.
Joey’s world has shattered. Ben, his only friend, has moved away with his family. Sad and depressed, Joey’s startled by the sudden appearance of an odd man who challenges him to look at the world differently and see hidden wonders right in front of him.
He follows the man through a portal to a parallel world and is elated to find his friend Ben there but stunned to discover that they’re at the source of all ideas. To spend time together, they must join an expedition with two feisty dwarfs led by a mysterious girl seer in search of a monumental idea, but Joey fears for their lives since this world contains bloodthirsty trolls and crazed giants.
Will Joey and his friend join the expedition and survive? If the expedition fails, Joey’s world will face an uncertain future.
The Lost Lake Dig is the ground-breaking first book in The Idea Miners middle grade fantasy trilogy. While the story is full of excitement and danger, it’s also a message of hope and encouragement for the future. On the surface it’s a fantasy adventure, but underneath flows a stream of world-altering ideas, highlighting the gift of the human intellect.
My Review:
When I first received this book it had a different cover. A different blurb – the one on Amazon is close enough. I can’t tell you if there are any story changes but I can confirm it is an enjoyable adventure read.
The characters are fun. The adventure is what I wanted at this age – way too many years ago.
It is the concept I found the most exciting. Where do our ideas come from? Did we really just think them up ourselves or were we provided help? What if no one had ever thought of, oh, let’s say a car or air conditioning?
The blurb tells you as much as I was told when I accepted the book. I won’t tell you much more in that manner simply because it’s better to discover it yourself.
The Lost Lake Dig is a pleasant summer read that I can picture any, I was going to say child, but really anyone reading. I know, we don’t think of today’s kids reading, we don’t even read much on our own, everything is electronic, but more of us are turning those off for some downtime. This story will keep the mind active and I believe warm up anyone’s imagination to strike out on their own creative adventure.
Better yet, read it together and share the trip.