Reviewer: I know we don’t fit, so why are you arguing with me

Review requests are quite simple, really. You search up reviewers. Read their guidelines and their reviews. Read what they like and don’t like.

Next step – double check your genre is something they read.

Now submit and wait.






You’ve got a reply. Thank you, but no thank you.

Wait a minute! No?! But my book meets all the interests and guidelines and everything. No?!

Yup, reviewers decline requests, too. The reason? Your story just doesn’t sound interesting enough – to that individual. Okay, sometimes it could be because our review pile is overloaded. But most times it’s the simple fact we’re not interested in your book.

WOW! Really?! You’re so wrong! So going to regret missing out on the next ______________! You should change your mind NOW!

Yup, I’ve had people argue with me when I’ve declined their requests. Actually get quite nasty over it, calling me names.

If anyone should know what a reviewer will mix with it’s the reviewer. Arguing isn’t going to change their mind – won’t change mine. More likely I’ll put you on a no reply list.

Know you battles – I’m not one of them.

2 thoughts on “Reviewer: I know we don’t fit, so why are you arguing with me”

  1. I'm familiar with the disappointment when a reviewer refuses my story. Writing is hard work, and I think my stories are worthwhile. I believe other authors share the same belief about their work; yet
    rejection is no excuse for personal attacks. Not all publishers want my stories, nor will all readers. However, I know if I want to succeed, I must act in a professional way even when it hurts.

  2. Hey, Rhobin. Thanks for coming by. I totally agree. And, of course, never as blunt as I was here in my posting in my email replies to authors. It's a back and forth relationship. And I never accept a request knowing I'm not a fit or probably won't enjoy the story…why would I? It does happen, but not at that initial point.

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