Reviewer: Will a review produce more sales

I’ve often wondered if my reviews bring in more sales for the author and publisher.  Do the reviews hinder or help? 

Let’s take one step back to the question, why do I review.  I review because I love talking about books.  I love the craft of writing.  What do I get from reviewing?  Yes, new books.  But, I’m also learning more about the craft of writing.  I’m also discovering new publishers and new authors.

What am I hoping my reviews accomplish?  A review should bring news of an author’s work.  A review should balance the positives and the negatives contained within the pages.  A review should excite a reader into wanting to read or help decide if a certain book isn’t for them.

Does a review produce more sales?  I don’t know, but I hope my reviews produce more interest.  Alongside all the hard work by the publisher and the author. Reviews are tools to be used to generate interest and attention. 

Remember the old saying…any publicity is good publicity…well, maybe this isn’t always true, but you know no sale will be made if no one knows where to find you.