New: Melody Hews, who?

My pseudonym for writing romance, blogs for that genre, because I believed I had to keep that hat separate from my horror, fantasy, youth stories. It wasn’t that I wasn’t thinking; it’s what was I thinking.

That’s crazy.

I have too many habits that crossover and would give me away. Too much to keep separate. It’s all on one website for crying out loud.

Am I ashamed?

No, but a bit embarrassed. I don’t see romance in the same manner as most romance authors and readers, do…at least it doesn’t feel like I do.

But, I can’t “kill off” Melody, she’s been in my head too long. She’s as real a character as any I actually write.

She’s Iris great-niece.

Yup, that’s what I decided today.

Why a great-niece? Simple, I had/have some pretty fantastic great aunts and uncles. I grew up around them. I listened to their stories, played crazy games at family get togethers, their kids babysat me and I babysat their grandchildren.

I’ve got some pretty good memories of these branches of my family tree.

As close as I was to those on mom’s side, I think I need to rename one of Iris’ sisters to follow my great-aunt Lou. Yeah, given dad’s stories, she would fit.

My other side, mom’s side, I might be too close, but, the conversations…multi-conversations criss-crossing each other making all our heads spin trying to keep up…yeah, those will make their way into my tales.

Heck, I didn’t even realize, but I actually gave Iris the same number of sisters and the one brother…hmmmm….has someone been whispering in my dreams?