Warning. I’m pissed. I probably shouldn’t write when I’m this angry, or at least keep it to my private journal.…
pic by me A few years ago I heard a piece of music a family member was playing. It was…
my work I asked a little bit ago if you took photos. I do. I like the emotions and imagination…
my reading corner My name is Chris and I’m a book-nut. Ever since my parents (grand-parents?) put Dr. Seuss into…
my work First…please forgive me, my authors, as you may see your favourite overused word habit appear. Trust me, I…
my work 😉 My love of words, of poetry and prose, had to start somewhere. Same for you, too.Blame my…
my original Oprah calls these her “ah-ha” moments. Some writers call them “I have to use that line sometime” hits.…
original work by Christine I Steeves Speakman Sometimes there’s a scene which refuses to leave your mind. One you truly…
original work by Christine I Steeves Speakman I really do love my new portable scanner. I had thought I was…
original work by Christine I Steeves Speakman …journal…keep a dream diary…keep a favourite quote diary…doodle…take photos…text yourself…keep a memory box…play…meditate…stare…