Roaming Ideas: One line can start you off

my original

Oprah calls these her “ah-ha” moments. Some writers call them “I have to use that line sometime” hits. Either way, there are times you will hear or read a single line…or word…and it will set you off down a story path.

Sometimes from a source you never considered.

Sometimes in a direction you never even ventured before.

Yes, this happened to me this past Friday evening and it was both an “ah-ha” and writers moment. And from a source I never considered, actually from someone I never really watched or followed before.

Mr. Bruce Jenner.

By now, unless you don’t watch television and ever glance at any entertainment news, you should know about Mr. Jenner’s journey to his true self. I applaud him. It’s a difficult enough journey without being in the spotlight. Without the changes he is going through. In full truth, I couldn’t stop the tears flowing. I cannot begin to imagine his life. Be happy, Mr. Jenner.

To get firmer back on track, what was it that I heard which caused me to share today? During a preview I heard Mr. Jenner say…how does my story end.


I did say that hit me on multiple levels. For my own life journey, the thought of looking forward and picturing how my story ends…how I would want it to end. Well, it made an impact on what was worrying me that day…nonsense really. I had become so wrapped up that I had forgotten the biggest picture of all…me. 

When I’m at the end, near end, of my life story how do I want the ending to look, feel, be? That day’s worries and craziness had nothing to do with my ending. Were so far removed from my ending as to the point I didn’t want it even a part of my ending. BINGO! Perception!

Hey, it’s not going to stay that way, trust me. Human emotions ebb and flow more than any ocean ever will.

What’s the writer’s moment? A story, of course.

A writer’s prompt, of course.

Prompt…when in a storyline tangle, go to the end or what you believe is your ending and now work backward. What needs to happen after your tangle to reach your ending? What in your tangle needs cutting, trimming, conditioning? (Dang, sounds like getting a hair knot out.)

Story…Waking up to find I’m the last person around. Zombies? Well, I can’t tell you because, well, some elements need to remain quiet 😉

There you have it. Today’s Roaming Ideas. Keep an ear out, you never know what you’ll discover.


What are Roaming Ideas?

…random writings from now back to teen years

…writings free of editing and second looks

…pumps to my creative well

…shut downs and locking away of the critical mind

 What are Overly Done Paragraphs?

…more description then is ever needed

…snapshots of possibilities

What are Dear Diary?

…inserting myself into a fictional character, where does the path take me