It’s the moment your teen uses your words – playing the sax is the same to me as writing is…
Helen Hayes and Mildred Natwick – talent, class, timing, talk about a dream team.
The beauty, strength, and frailty of soapstone first came to me in high school. Instead of the rough elementary attempt,…
I’m not a contortionist, heck I’m lucky if I can touch my toes. Are you one? A contortionist? You know…
Years ago, I laughed when I heard my high school was offering photography as a credited course. Really, taking pictures…
Simple question: Is there a difference? Simple statement? There’s a difference.
I like both, although sometimes the plasticine smells. Clay feels more artsy. Plasticine more childhood fun. Clay…the pressure not to…
…ever. Even our shared experiences are different simply due to us being different. Husbands and wives, boyfriends or girlfriends, parent…
You are unique and what you do with your life and creative nature is yours and yours alone. Even should…
George Peppard – isn’t that enough?