Creativity for the New Year

Happy New Year.

So, what’s new on the creativity list? Does blog/website designing and revamping count? I’m still working on the review site’s website (truthfully, I kinda of forgot it still needed work).

Is making your blog/website creative?

We try to present a page that is clear, concise, and pleasing to readers’ eyes. We pick through face styles, fonts, colours, pictures or no pictures. Blog/website names are important. We want something to stand out, something to catch the mind, something memorable, and it still must be quick and easy to say.

We also know these sites are an extension of who we are and what we do. If I’m writing something with degrees of “heat” I’m going to want a site which expresses these degrees. A site which conveys visually what I’m talking about or showcasing. If I mean for my site to be family oriented…super child friendly…same thing.

What if I want my sites to match? Convey a sense of belonging and groupings? Then, I need to look at something familiar for all. A theme of some sort. Are you a visual person when it comes to groupings or mental? Visual as in colour, set up, and overall look. Mental as in name, topic, or logical placements.

I’m visual. Each of my review sites…blog review sites, that is…are the same, except in name. I wanted the same look and feel as well as name. I wanted them to be linked visually. Which leads me to now needing to fix the website home. It’s easier to give out one address rather than seven or eight.

My writer’s blog home has it’s own look. Same for this one and my Indulges blog. Each holds to a different topic and aspect of my personality. However, the writer and creativity blogs tend to mirror each other in topic at times…writing is creative.

My answer to…is making your blog/websites creative…yes. Remember there are people who have made this part of their career.

Enjoy 2012 and all its Creative Newness