Vampires Are A Must

MuseItUp has vampires. I love vampires. I love were____ , too. What I love more is when our authors venture down a different vampire alley.

I will never find vampire stories old and boring. What intrigued me about Pembroke’s The History of My Wishes was the notion of vamps granting wishes. I liked how Pembroke used the first person to relate the story, bringing us into the MC’s mind and reactions. Some don’t like the first person, but there are times it works.

You must always experiment with your writing. Try new methods out, explore storytelling, learn what fits your voice.

Currently, Pembroke and I are working on edits for her latest MIU book…Wucaii. Sorry, I’m not giving out any hints, but there will be dragons 😉

An author who writes vampires and then dragons, oh my.

Every one says, “Be careful what you wish for,” but the more apt phrase is, “Misery loves company.”

Back Cover:

When you’re told your life is tragic, what else can you do but believe it? To deal with her own tragedy, Stevie drowns her sorrows in alcohol while never venturing beyond a three block radius of her home. A menial existence at best.

Then, a blue-eyed mysterious stranger offers to take away the pain and heartache and show her the world, all Stevie has to do is make a wish…or three.


Do you know why you only get three wishes? I do. Perhaps the better question to ask is: do you know who first started granting humans’ wishes? If you answered fairies, genies, or leprechauns, then the originators have done a good job of hiding their trail. Fairies, genies, and leprechauns do grant wishes, but they didn’t come up with the idea. They only got into the act when they realized it was beneficial to them. Make no mistake; mythical creatures are very self-serving. They won’t do anything for humans unless they know they can get something out of it. But I digress. No, the first creature to grant humans’ wishes was a vampire.

I know you’re wrinkling your nose and pushing your eyebrows together in confusion, but it’s true. You can’t expect someone to live as long as a vampire does and not learn some magic or the secrets of the cosmos. The old saying warns, “Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it,” but the more applicable saying is, “Misery loves company.”

I’m sure you’re wondering how I know all this, so I’m going to tell you.