Creativity – What My Daughter Taught Me

My daughter loves to draw and write stories. She’s been writing stories since she was maybe three for mama to review. Now, seven years later, she’s writing stories for mama to edit and maybe publish. Love this type of corruption.

Because I do love to draw…not saying I’m any good, I’m more abstract than anything…I wanted to spend some time with her showing her what I remembered from Mr. Mills’ high school art class. Well, the day started off with CL showing me how to do a starburst art.

First up, CL’s

You make two very dark and larger dots along a same line.
Then make ten more dots anywhere on the paper.
Connect each dot to each of the two original dots.
Using only two colours, proceed to colour in not allowing the same colour to touch itself.
Then go over your lines with a black crayon or marker to highlight

Here’s mama’s:

Now onward to me trying to demonstrate sketching a sphere, egg? a solid round shape  LOL. Along with that wacky thing called a box perspective.

Well, when you have two strange minds together, they begin to see things and here are the results:


And now Mama’s

This is the point of sketching and creativity…just go for it and you never know where you’ll end up. Nowhere does it say you have to be perfect or that it needs to meet anyone’s definition of artwork. Give yourself permission to have fun and just enjoy yourself.