When Dreams Come True

6:02 a.m. on January 5th 2002 my dream gave her first cry.

Getting pregnant was not easy for me and my husband, there was an issue which even once resolved still did not guarantee we would ever become pregnant. We found out we were expecting our child while working with our local Children’s Aid, the multi-layered process to adopt a child. Our decision to leave this process was not easily made. When you dream of a child you’re never prepared for the growth of your heart or the hard honesty you search inside of yourself to see.

A child demands the best of you.

A child deserves the best and more of you.

As others before me, I had a scare within the first three months of my pregnancy. Luckily, it was one night, but what a long night. My logical mind knew this was considered normal, but my heart was crying with worry.

Then comes the moment you hear your baby’s first cry. Her birth ended as a c-section, but that was fine. Whatever it took to bring her safely into my life. I still did not relax until I heard her first cry. Even then, while everyone left to get some much needed sleep, I couldn’t put her down and rest. Hubby held her for the first hour…two…of her life, but I had her alone for the first time.

Now today she turns thirteen.

Our beautiful, smart, funny, caring, loving daughter, the best of us both, her own unique person.

I don’t know what I did right to have her come into my life, but I’m forever grateful. I forever treasure my child. I will forever reach higher in order to be what she needs me to be. And yes that includes my frailties and faults.

May she never doubt my love, her father’s love. Our belief in her.

May her dreams, whatever they are and will be, become reality.

Dream high my sweetpea.